Apply to the Sprout of Audacity grants
3 grants worth a total of $15 000
to support projects with an environmental impact

An innovative program for 10th anniversary celebrations
As part of its 10th anniversary celebrations, Oatbox and its partners are offering 3 grants worth up to $5 000 each to support projects with an environmental impact.
1 scholarship, 1 professional and 1 plant-based food industry grants will be awarded in the coming months thanks to the support of our partners.
Apply now for the scholarship or professional grant, and be automatically entered for the food industry grant if your project meets the selection criteria.
Our main partners

2 grants awarded by jury selection

Study grant
Have you completed or are you registered to complete a university degree in an environmental program in Quebec? Consult the eligibility criteria and apply now to receive the Sprout of audacity scholarship.
A jury of professionals and Oatbox partners and team will select the winner, who will receive a scholarship worth up to $5,000 in February 2025.
Application deadline: February 9, 2025

Professional grant
Have you launched a project in the last 5 years, or are you planning to launch one in the coming year, that promotes sustainable development in Quebec? Consult the eligibility criteria and apply now to receive the Sprout of Audacity professional grant.
A jury of professionals and Oatbox partners and team will select the winner, who will receive a grant worth up to $5,000 in February 2025.
Application deadline: January 31, 2025
1 grant awarded by public vote

Plant-based food industry grant
Are you applying for the Sprout of audacity scholarship or professional grant?
Thanks to Oatbox's partners, a 3rd plant-based food industry grant will be offered.
Candidates who did not win the scholarship or professionnal grant by jury selection, and who have a plant-based food-related project, will automatically be entered for the food industry bursary.
Influential industry coachs will choose their favorite project to help them win the public vote.
Finalists will be invited to present their project to the public at a conference at the Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert in Montreal.
The winner elected by public vote will receive his or her grant, worth up to $5,000, in April 2025.
Our secondary partners