Oatbox oat beverages now available at Avril

Oat beverages made in Quebec

For 10 years, Oatbox has been exploring the full potential of oats. We're pleased to offer our Quebec-made beverages, made with Canadian oats, in 13 new stores.

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Win a gift card to make back-to-school easier!

Contest runs from September 12 to 22

Enter to win a $200 gift card valid at all Avril stores in Quebec. Go to our Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok page to enter.

Good luck to all!

Available Oatbox products

Barista oat beverage

Developed with professional Baristas and microbrewers in Quebec, Oatbox Barista Oat Beverage is the best local alternative for combining great taste and exceptional quality microfoam.

Rich and creamy, it lets you make drinks inspired by specialty coffees at home.

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Original Oat beverage

Enriched with vitamins and minerals, our Original Oat Beverage is versatile and delicious.

Oat beverage is a low-environmental-impact alternative, especially when it's produced locally, like ours!

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